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The Mustajärvi property is located within the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt (“CLGB”), a poorly-explored package of Paleoproterozoic-age mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks which underwent three ductile compressional events around 1.79-1.92 Ga followed by one or more brittle stages.

The Mustajärvi property is located between the Venejoki and Sirkka thrust zones. A NE-trending magnetic low passes along the axis of the Mustajärvi property for 2.6 km, possibly representing a second-order structure like that which hosts the Suurikuusikko deposit 33 km to the north.

The geology in the Mustajärvi area is dominated by the contact zone between the Sodankylä Group siliciclastic metasediments and the Savukoski Group ultramafic and mafic volcanics. This contact is usually gradational with mafic-ultramafic interlayers in the siliciclastic metasediments close to the contact zone. Black schists interlayered with mafic tuffs have been observed near the contact zone. The contact zone is thought to provide a major control for the gold mineralization due to the competency contrast between the lithologies, auriferous veins generally following the contact zones between mafic-ultramafic volcanics and siliciclastic metasediments. The oriented drill core, combined with the surface mapping in trenches, has provided much more insight into the structural controls on mineralization.

High-grade gold intervals are commonly hosted within quartz-carbonate-tourmaline (QCT) vein with abundant pyrite.  The strongest mineralization to date at Mustajärvi has occurred in the footwall Sodankylä Group rocks, which are to the north of the shear zone. In this area, the Sodankylä Group includes metamorphosed sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks. Along the alteration zone associated with the shear zone, these rocks have been made brittle by pre-gold pervasive alteration, including albite, silica, and sericite. Where these altered rocks are shattered, brecciated, and veined, high grade veins have been reported.

For additional details please refer to the Technical ReportMDA and recent News Releases.