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The gold potential of the Mustajärvi property was first recognized in a late 1980’s governmental till survey. From 1990-1992, Outokompu Oy carried out till, magnetic and IP surveys on the Mustajärvi prospect, following up with trenching and diamond drilling.

The geophysics highlighted a NE-SW striking shear zone and the gold mineralization was found to be spatially associated with magnetic, IP, and chargeability anomalies.

Outokompu drilled 12 short holes within a 100 x 175 metre area of the east-west mineralized fault or shear to a vertical depth of less than 40 metres; 11 of their holes reported intersections exceeding 1 g/t gold with the best interval averaging 14.58 g/t gold along 2.70 metre core-length. Their drilling indicated that the east-west mineralized fault or shear dips at ~35° to the south and tested only a small portion of it. (The drilling suffered from significant core loss due to faulting and fracturing; widths may not represent true thickness.)

Outokompu allowed their mineral tenure to lapse in 1995.

In the early 2000’s, small-scale miners excavated a 20 x 70 metre pit, 2-5 metre deep, along the surface trace of the main mineralized zone (the Central Zone). Samples of gossanous material were reported from this pit by the property vendor with up to 17.4 and 79.8 g/t Au (Aurora, 2017). Well-mineralized boulders reportedly from the pit consisted of quartz-carbonate-pyrite±tourmaline veins with abundant goethite.

In 2017, Aurora geologists collected grab samples from trenches and boulders; one sample of sulfide-rich quartz vein material assayed 79.8 g/t gold.

While the Company believes the preceding historical drilling and sampling data are reliable, readers are cautioned that a “qualified person” (as defined by National Instrument 43-101) has not yet completed sufficient work to be able to verify the historical information, and therefore the information should not be relied upon. Outokumpu data retrieved from the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) database. Aurora data provided by Aurora Exploration Oy.

Work Completed by Firefox through to January 2022


  • Magnetic and Electromagnetic geophysical surveys outline potential deep structures on property
  • Base of Till program outlined anomalous gold that was potentially related to interpreted structure
  • Chip and channel sampling identified intersecting mineralized structures in the Central Zone


  • Phase 1 Drill Program confirmed historic drill results and discovered new style of mineralization at depth.
  • Encountered first mineralization coincident with Induced Polarization (IP) anomalies.
  • Central zone outlined along 400 metre strike length and remains open along strike and at depth. 
  • Phase 2 Drill Program hit gold in two step-out holes, 500 metres northeast of the Central Zone


  • Trenching and detailed sampling of key structures and alteration
  • 9-hole Phase 3 Drill Program


  • The Phase 4 drill program of 11 drill holes totalling 2,364 metres hit the first bonanza grades at the Northeast Zone
  • The Phase 5 drill program identified high-grade at the East target and continued to expand the Northeast zone


  • Continued drilling in the Central East and Northeast Targets  to extend the strike and thickness of known mineralization
  • Central Zone extended in two directions
  • Shallow high-grade gold in multiple holes, including assays of coarse gold, in East target summer drill program spawns additional fall drilling

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